Anti Net Neutrality Commercial on TV

This commercial was on TBS. Its probably the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen from a commercial.

Feel free to contact the NCTA (the ad's sponsor):

National Cable & Telecommunications Association
25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW - Suite 100
Washington, DC 20001-1413
Phone: (202) 222-2300

Brian Dietz is SVP of Communications
Phone: (202) 222-2358 Fax: (202) 222-2351

Rob Stoddard is SVP of Communications & Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 222-2350 Fax: (202) 222-2351

Daniel Brenner is SVP of Law & Regulatory Policy
Phone: (202) 202-222-2445 Fax: (202) 222-2446

For more info on net neutrality check out


Anonymous said...

This ad is a great example of 1984 DoubleSpeak. In fact, these broadbandits don't want consumers to have equal access to all Internet application services. They want everyone to pay them for access to their broadband channels despite the fact that consumers were told and were sold "broadband access to the Internet" that does not differentiate among destinations consumers might want to reach. Application service providers already pay for their costs to connect to the Internet to provide their services.

realizePhiladelphia said...

Check out more on net neutrality by visiting!